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we are pva brush roller real factory for pool robot cleaner.more than 10 years.

Sunny hu (pva roller factory owner)

Honesty Industries Limited

New Factory Address: No.9,Xinwang Road,Huanggang District,Shihui Dongcheng street,zhaoqing City,Guangdong , code 526242

cell:0086-18666602640 welchat:0086-18666602640



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drag brush
drag brush
Product description

100cm long court brush.

Our  Drag Brush has Five  individual rows of 80mm quality bristles. nylon bristle heads (replaceable).

Drag Broom includes  5 rows of  quality hard bristles, and strong grey pvc frame that ensures years of faithful service.

quickly groom your ideal for multi-court clay facilities with subsurface irrigated courts.

Suitable for sand filled artificial grass and astra turf tennis courts.

Drag Brushes available with hard bristles for sand filled artificial grass or hard bristles for clay tennis courts.

is ideal for removing dew and worm casts, grass grooming, ground clearance and top dressings.

Drag Brush is a basic hand tool for natural and synthetic turf and hard porous surfaces.

brush size is (1000mmx20mm x 70mm),Brush trim length 80mm hard bristles. with 1.4M long Aluminium handle.

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